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No matter who you are, no matter where you are on life's journey,
you're welcome here!
SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - 9:30 A.M.Whether your spirit is light or your heart is heavy, whether you're looking for direction or feeling your life is good, worship at Union is all about opening ourselves to God's touch upon our lives. Our hope is that you will experience God's presence and grace as we sing and pray and reflect on sacred text in ways that shape our lives.
We are live streaming worship on our Facebook page, 9 o'clock on Sunday mornings. You can join us live or click links below for past services. |
7/21/24 Worship n Park
7/14/2024 Worship |
7/7/24 Worship n Park |
6/30/24 Worship |
6/23/24 Worship |
6/16/24 Worship |
6/2/24 Worship |
5/26/24 Worship w Dr. Smith |
5/19/24 Pentecost |
5/12/24 Worship |
5/5/24 Worship |
4/28/24 Worship |
4/21/24 Worship |
4/14/24 Worship |
4/7/24 Worship |
3/31/24 Easter Worship |
3/24/24 Palm Sunday |
Confirmation May 7, 2023 |
May 17, 2020 |
New Members
April 25, 2020 |
An Open Table
We celebrate the Sacrament of Communion during worship on the first Sunday of each month, as well as on Easter and Christmas Eve and other special days. It is Christ who invites us to this sacred meal of broken bread and the cup of blessing. All who wish to know Christ's love and receive his grace are welcomed to participate. We have both wine and grape juice available as well as gluten free bread.
These are gifts from God for the people of God. Come for all things are ready. |
Worship in the Park
A couple of times during the summer we take our worship to the great outdoors. Grab your lawn chair and come join us!
Come join us at Expedition Island at 10 a.m. on Sundays July 7th and 21. Bring a lawn chair and any beverage and snacks you may want. On July 21, we will have hotdogs and others treats to enjoy following worship. Invite friends! Sunday, August 4 is our Red Canyon worship and potluck picnic with friends from Kingsbury UCC, Vernal and First Congregational UCC, Rock Springs. See you at West Green Lake in the Red Canyon Park, UT |